A First Meeting With Your Wedding Florist.
Time is valuable particularly when planning a wedding so to make the very best of it when you are first meeting your wedding florist here are just a few few simple tips:
- Meet your wedding florist : Don't just email or phone looking for a quote for flowers for a wedding as that's just what you are likely to get. To do their best any wedding florist should meet you in person and ideally six months or more before your wedding.
- Make an appointment : You want your florist's undivided attention so it may not be a great idea just to call in on spec. It's not that they will be unhappy to see you but you will probably catch them in the middle of a normal busy day with customers coming and going, phone calls or organising flowers for a wedding or an event the next day. So it's better to schedule a time that suits you both so you can have their undivided attention.
- Bring samples : Your wedding florist will probably suggest you bring fabric samples of the bride's and bride's maids dresses as these can be used for possible colour cues for wedding bouquets and arrangements. Another tip is to bring in a picture of your dress as this can be used for possible style cues. Your wedding bouquets and arrangements should add to your ensemble, they should reflect you and your style - you want them to enhance, compliment or contrast but never to dominate so insuring your florist knows what style, texture, and colour of dress you will wear is important.
- Bring pictures : Think about the style of your church or service venue and your reception venue. Your florist may be familiar with these venues but if they are not or if they have recently changed, pictures and links to their web sites will be a great assistance to you both when it comes to planning and deciding schemes and floristry styles. Also bring pictures and magazine cuttings of flower arrangements and bouquets you like because of their shape, texture, flowers used or colours. This will give your florist more information about you, what you like and what you would like to achieve.
- Bring ideas : Any florist will be able to offer you advice on what's practical but a good florist will also advise on what's possible so discuss any ideas you may have no matter how mad they might seem to you.
- Bring an open mind : It's a good idea not to arrive overly fixated on one specific colour, theme or style of wedding flowers. Do consider alternative suggestions and ideas - you might not use them but then again you might and with great results.